22 Sept 2009

The Edith & Ella story エディット&エラ・ストーリー

The first time I entered the Edith & Ella boutique on Store Kongensgade in central Copenhagen I was totally fascinated by the atmosphere. The interior and the collection were telling a story, which differed from the other Danish fashion brands that I had seen so far.


The designer Line Markvardsen established the brand in 2004, and named the company after her two grandmothers 'Edith' & 'Ella', and they have always been the source of inspiration for her collections.

Edith&Ellaは2004年にデンマークで生まれたファッションブランドです。ブランド名の「Edith」と「Ella」はデザイナーLine Markvardsenの2人のおばあちゃんの名前です。Edith&Ellaは彼女達の活躍した1930年代〜1950年代のヨーロッパで流行したディティールがいっぱい。自立していながらつねに女性らしさを忘れない彼女達にたいする憧れからそのブランド名は生まれました。

Every Edith & Ella collection has an unique story to tell, and consists of a wide range of items, including lady's wear, bags, belts, shoes and boots. The brand is characterized by its feminine and chic style, which always has a twist of glamour of the past.


Today Edith & Ella has four brand shops in Denmark, the latest opened in 2009 in a historical building at Købmagergade (Copenhagen city center). Moreover, Edith & Ella collaborates with its neighbour 'Royal Café' owned by Royal Copenhagen, where you will be served by waitresses wearing Edith & Ella aprons♡


Edith & Ella official website

7 Sept 2009

Edith & Ella in Japan エディット&エラ in 東京

After the exhibition and several sales meetings in Tokyo, ayanomimi returned to Copenhagen with signed orders from customers in Japan.  
As 'ZURRON Blvd.' in Hiroo (embassy district in Tokyo, next to Roppongi) selected items from the current AW 09 collection, they became the first select shop to sell Edith & Ella in Japan.

広尾にあるファッション・セレクトショップ「ZURRON Blvd.」にてエディット&エラの2009年秋冬アイテムを販売中!

Tel. 03-3473-0377

Reception Party 内覧会・レセプション

The opening of Edith & Ella's first sales exhibition in Tokyo was celebrated with a reception party on the 8th of August, at Toria Gallery.
Invited guests included Japanese fashion buyers, the Japanese design press, friends, and family.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for the evening, the exhibition opening was full of positive energy!
Danish open sandwiches and an 'Edith &Ella kagemand' (cake) were served, to the sound of old Danish movie songs.   

Edith & Ellaの記念すべき「日本初の内覧会」のオープニング・パーティーが
8月8日にToria Galleryで行われました。


2 Sept 2009

ayanomimi introducing Edith & Ella in Tokyo

August 7th - 12th  2009
A temporary showroom for the Danish fashion brand 'Edith & Ella' was organised by ayanomimi at Toria Gallery in Tokyo.
The showroom was mainly open for buyers, shop owners, and the press, and served the purpose of introducing the brand for the first time in Japan. 

Newsletter about ayanomimi and new export opportunities for Danish fashion and design, on the official website of The Royal Danish Embassy in Japan (in Danish and Japanese):
The Royal Danish Embassy Tokyo

西荻のToria Galleryにてデンマークのファッションブランド
「Edith & Ella」(エディット&エラ)の内覧会が

The Royal Danish Embassy Tokyo

Special thanks to:
Toria Gallery   www.toriagallery.com
Store   www.storestore.net

Young Entrepreneurship AWARD 2009

ayanomimiが第一回 「最も期待される若手起業家2009」を受賞!
起業家サポートグループIDEA HOUSEに知らぬ間に推薦され、ノミネートされていました。結果は当日発表され、ビックリ!
6月12日の授賞式では コペンハーゲン商科大学の校長である
Finn Junge-Jensen氏から賞状と賞金が贈られました。

“Best Young Entrepreneur Award 2009”
Den 12 juni 2009 blev Aya Okamura, ayanomimi kåret som
‘Årets unge iværksætter 2009’, på Copenhagen School of
Det er første gang denne titel bliver uddelt, og med titlen fulget
et legat fra KHK fonden.
Prisen blev overrakt af Finn Junge-Jensen, tidligere rektor på
Copenhagen Business School, med kommentarerne:
“Der findes to typer iværksættere. Den ene type forbereder sig
grundigt og tænker alt igennem, inden idéen (måske) realiseres.
Den anden tager bestik af situationen, laver en prototype og
går i luften. Aya Okamura mestrer begge typer - hun er modig,
arbejdsom, ærlig og parat til at gribe chancen.”
Tusind tak for opbakningen! Med denne titel i hånden vil ayanomimi fortsætte engagementet og arbejde på at gøre ideer til virkelighed!

Sponsoring Organisations:
Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship
IDEA HOUSE Copenhagen
KHK Legat 

Articles about the AWARD/受賞についての記事
CBS Observer
Rex & Lindeborgh
Stitch House



Writing a blog for the first time..!
The language will vary according to the topic, but I hope you will enjoy the contents of 'ayanomimi no blog'.