Two years ago Jakob & Co. started a restaurant in the historical buildings on 'Magstræde 16' and later 'Skotterup Kro'. Their concept has always been very clear: Italian cuisine made of the best Danish ingredients, gathered in a simple menu to a reasonable price. The wines are carefully selected from Italy and the plates are easy to share, which gives you a feeling of tapas. As the last thing to mention, the great friendship and teamwork behind the scenes are reflected in the unique atmosphere that they have managed to create.
Do not forget to visit 'Nyhavn 14' next time you are in Copenhagen:) (remember to make a reservation in advance)
Rating: ★★★★★★ (A star for each of the entrepreneurs)

LINK: Gorm on national television every week / シェフのゴーム君は全国放送で毎週お料理を紹介しています
*2年間で3つ目のレストランをオープン!私の親友のJakob君が彼の幼なじみ5人と始めたビジネスがコペンの外食文化に新しい風を吹き込んでいます。今やコペンハーゲンのグルメなら誰もが知る「Magstræde 16」と「Skotterup Kro」に続き今月5日に「Nyhavn 14」が開店しました。
