Before, entering the Japanese market has been
difficult for outsiders, because of high tariffs and slow bureaucracy now this could be changing in 2013 a free trade agreement might be established between Japan
and EU. Japan already covers almost 2 percent of Danish exports, which equals
to 12,3 billon kr. The free trade
agreement is seen as a promising opportunity to expand Danish commerce on the
Japanese market. Already Danish goods such as foods especially meat and medical
products, are popular on the Japanese market. Japan and Denmark are both
pioneers in the field and this new trade agreement makes exchange of technology, knowledge and knowhow in this field easier.
をサポートするayanomimiにとっては予想通りの追い風!日本とEU貿易協定は物販だけではなく技術、システム、ノウハウ、デザイン、福祉… 多方面でウィンウィンに繋げてゆければと考えています。