31 Jan 2010

Architecture in everydaylife 身近な建築物

Dalgas Have, Buildings of Copenhagen Business School (Language Faculty)
Architect: Henning Larsen (1985-1989) 
This place made you feel comfortable and proud of being a student.
コペンハーゲン商科大学 ダルガス・ヘーウ キャンパス

Kilen, Buildings of Copenhagen Business School
Architect: Lundgaard & Tranberg
コペンハーゲン商科大学 キールン

 "Work environment" is highly prioritised in Danish institutions and work places. It is seen as a long term investment with impact on mental health and daily behaviour
Quality leads to motivation and creativity. This concept is also reflected in the buildings of Copenhagen IT University.
Architect: Henning Larsen (2001-2004)

All universities are public in Denmark. Have a look, next time you visit Copenhagen.    