Brdr.Krüger is a Danish family owned company specialised in wood turning. Today family, friends, and business relations were invited to a garden party to celebrate their 125th anniversary!
Most people may recognize products made by Brdr. Krüger such as 'the monkey' designed by Kay Bojesen, and the trolleys designed by Hans Bølling and
O&M Design.
I have always been fascinated by their craftsmanship. At the cozy little event today I realized what a great network of craftsmen Brdr. Krüger has taken part of through the years. It almost seemed like one big family.
Brdr.Krüger has moved to new facilities and they are prepared to work with new challenging projects. It was great to see a glimpse of people behind the Danish design industry.
Congratulations Brdr.Krüger!!!
今日はデンマークの家具メーカー「Brdr. Krüger」(ボーダヌ・クルィヤー)の125周年記念パーティーに行って来ました。
歴史の長いデンマークの家具業界の中でも125周年を迎える企業は数少ない中「Brdr. Krüger」は根強くMade in Denmarkのできる事を続けて来ました。今でも家族経営の小さなメーカーではありますが世界に誇れる技術がある事には間違いありません。そして何より数多くの職人仲間が125年続けてきてこれた秘訣なのかなと今回のパーティーで感じました。
「Brdr. Krüger」125周年おめでとう!!!
Kay Bojesenがデザインした「サル」を数十年間手作りで作り続けてきた工房です。 |