1 Dec 2011

ayanomimi + Christmas x Red Cross = ♥Japan

SEND  "4  JULEKORT" fra Danmark til Japan

LINK→  ayanomimi + Christmas x Red Cross + your support = ♥♥♥ JAPAN

ayanomimi では「東日本大震災復興募金活動 Part 2」をはじめました。
詳しくは「ayanomimi デンマーク赤十字の募金箱をご覧ください。




16 Nov 2011

SÆSON/ayanomimi - award winning Danish design

SÆSON by ayanomimi: The 2nd place at Creative Business Cup 2011!!! 
ayanomimi received 25.000 DKK + business springboard sessions by Connect Denmark and Insights Nordic! The great final event was held yesterday at Copenhagen City Hall. 

Creative Business Cup is an annual competition for creative entrepreneurs who link creativity to profitable business concepts. 

The competition is organised by CKO (The Center for Culture and Experience Economy) - a government funded agency focusing on creating growth through increased collaboration between the Danish cultural sector and the business society. 

「2011年 第二回クリエイティブ・起業家コンペティション」で準優勝いたしました!



「クリエイティブ・ビジネスカップ ファイナリストのPV」も是非ご覧ください→ PVを見る

9 Oct 2011

NEW! Designer Line Markvardsen on apropos100

New post on apropos100!
Read about Line Markvardsen - chief designer and founder of the Danish fashion brand "Edith & Ella" and "EPOQUE".

ファッション・デザイナー Line Markvardsenをご紹介します。
彼女のオリジナル・ブランド「Edith & Ella」(エディット&エラ)と「EPOQUE」(エポーク)をどうぞご一覧ください。
→ apropos100 - Line Markvardsen

6 Oct 2011

ayanomimi supports "10 million people's action SAYONARA-nukes"

"Sayonara to Nuclear Power Plants!" Rally
54 nuclear reactors in a country, which is slightly smaller than California. At the same time Japan is one of the countries with most earthquakes in the world. To build more nuclear reactors in Japan is unnecessary and an irresponsible act by the government towards its citizens and the rest of the world.
The beautiful landscape of Fukushima may never return, but this is a chance for us to rethink the future of electricity supply. Not only in Japan, but around the world.

ayanomimi supports all actions against building new nuclear power plants in Japan, and the actions requiring the termination of existing nuclear reactors:

ayanomimi  petition
Goal: 100 petitions 
Deadline: December 20  2011
To support: If you live in Copenhagen please contact ayanomimi
From outside Copenhagen: Please go to link, print, and send → Sayonara-nukes

Support a responsible (and human) choices of electricity supply for the future.  
I hope you will use a few minutes to browse through the links on this page. 
Thank you.


Iwaishima – 30 years of protest: read more

Sep. 19 2011 – 50.000 action Japan: read more

Sayonara-nukes – 10 million people’s action: homepage

ayanomimi は「さようなら原発1000万人アクション」を応援します。


21 Sept 2011

Backlight / 逆光

A peaceful moment after an extremely rainy summer and before a windy autumn.
Photo taken during Copenhagen Design Week.


15 Sept 2011

New website!

A fresh new start for ayanomimi!

Ayanomimi's first original product 'SÆSON' is available at Designmuseum Danmark Shop from today!
Design by Krestine Kjærholm.

Check out the new ayanomimi website → here


新しいホームページは → こちら

2 Jul 2011

125th anniversary / 祝!125周年

Brdr.Krüger  is a Danish family owned company specialised in wood turning. Today family, friends, and business relations were invited to a garden party to celebrate their 125th anniversary!

Most people may recognize products made by Brdr. Krüger such as 'the monkey' designed by Kay Bojesen, and the trolleys designed by Hans Bølling and O&M Design.
I have always been fascinated by their craftsmanship. At the cozy little event today I realized what a great network of craftsmen Brdr. Krüger has taken part of through the years. It almost seemed like one big family.
Brdr.Krüger has moved to new facilities and they are prepared to work with new challenging projects. It was great to see a glimpse of people behind the Danish design industry.
Congratulations Brdr.Krüger!!! 

今日はデンマークの家具メーカー「Brdr. Krüger」(ボーダヌ・クルィヤー)の125周年記念パーティーに行って来ました。
歴史の長いデンマークの家具業界の中でも125周年を迎える企業は数少ない中「Brdr. Krüger」は根強くMade in Denmarkのできる事を続けて来ました。今でも家族経営の小さなメーカーではありますが世界に誇れる技術がある事には間違いありません。そして何より数多くの職人仲間が125年続けてきてこれた秘訣なのかなと今回のパーティーで感じました。
「Brdr. Krüger」125周年おめでとう!!!

Kay Bojesenがデザインした「サル」を数十年間手作りで作り続けてきた工房です。

18 Jun 2011

The 'Made in Denmark effect' / 「Made in デンマーク」だから出来る事

In the article 'The Japanese consumer is buying more than just a Danish design product' ayanomimi analyses the Japanese market for Danish design from a cultural perspective.

What makes Japan a potential market for Danish design? What does it mean to be 'Danish', 'Scandinavian' or 'global' in Japan? What is a 'Made-in Denmark' effect?

From emerging Japanese trends, values, and discourses we learn that Danish design companies can use their cultural resources as a competitive advantage on the Japanese market.

Read the article → 'Japanerne køber mere end blot et dansk design produkt' (Møbel + Interiør branchebladet May 2011)

デンマークの家具&インテリア業界の業界紙(5月号)にayanomimiによる記事が掲載されました。内容はデニッシュ・デザインのこれからの可能性と日本の市場から学ぶ「Made in Denmark」の意味について書きました。



記事へのリンク→ 'Japanerne køber mere end blot et dansk design produkt'

17 May 2011

'Nyhavn 14' Young entreprenuers Vol.2 / 若手起業家 Vol.2

They did it again. My good friend Jakob has started another new restaurant together with the happy chef Gorm Wisweh and four of their friends. The place is called 'Nyhavn 14', which might give you a hint about the location:)

Two years ago Jakob & Co. started a restaurant in the historical buildings on 'Magstræde 16' and later 'Skotterup Kro'. Their concept has always been very clear: Italian cuisine made of the best Danish ingredients, gathered in a simple menu to a reasonable price. The wines are carefully selected from Italy and the plates are easy to share, which gives you a feeling of tapas. As the last thing to mention, the great friendship and teamwork behind the scenes are reflected in the unique atmosphere that they have managed to create.

Do not forget to visit  'Nyhavn 14' next time you are in Copenhagen:) (remember to make a reservation in advance)

Rating: ★★★★★★ (A star for each of the entrepreneurs)

LINK: Gorm on national television every week / シェフのゴーム君は全国放送で毎週お料理を紹介しています

*2年間で3つ目のレストランをオープン!私の親友のJakob君が彼の幼なじみ5人と始めたビジネスがコペンの外食文化に新しい風を吹き込んでいます。今やコペンハーゲンのグルメなら誰もが知る「Magstræde 16」と「Skotterup Kro」に続き今月5日に「Nyhavn 14」が開店しました。




11 May 2011

'Hoa's Tool Shop' Young Entrepreneurs Vol.1 / 若手起業家 Vol.1

Hoa's Tool Shop is a Swedish startup company providing digital tools to measure 'behavior change'. Allow me to present Hoa Ly, the charismatic entrepreneur behind this unique idea of combining psychology and technology.

He has been awarded 'the best student in Uppsala 2010', and as a member of Studio Dicore he has been leading a broad range of creative initiatives in Sweden.

Nothing stops Hoa from doing the things he like the most, and his ability to gather people around his work inspires many, including myself. 

Hoa's entrance to the business world is exciting news. I hope that more people will get to know him and support his initiatives in the future.

Hoa's Tool Shop(フアのツールショップ)
スウェーデンのウプサラ大学 2010年優秀学生賞を受賞したフア・リー君を紹介します。

モデルとしても活躍中のフア君はストックホルムを中心に「Studio Dicore」のメンバーとしてファションや音楽のイベント活動を行ってきました。趣味であるDJも2010年にはノーベル賞表彰式後のパーティーでDJを務めるまでの腕前。好きなことはとことん突き詰めて楽しむフア君はオリジナリティー溢れた独自のスタイルで人々を集ってゆきます。

そんなフア君が「Hoa's Tool Shop」という企業を始めました。大学で専攻していた心理学をとり入れたIphone用のアプリケーションを開発する会社です。これからの活躍が益々楽しみです。

15 Apr 2011


Thank you everyone for your love, support, and contributions!

About ayanomimi x Red Cross Denmark
When: 17.03.2011 - 14.04.2011
Final result: 4.880 DKK (approx. 78.080 YEN)
Link: View all the amazing contributions!

The contributions will be sent to Red Cross Japan:)
I am sure that our help makes a difference! Every contribution will be remembered.

Lots of love, ayanomimi  Aya Okamura

ayanomimi x デンマーク赤十字「東北関東大震災募金」終了致しました。たくさんの方からご支援と暖かいお言葉を頂きとても嬉しく思っています。

ayanomimi x デンマーク赤十字の募金について
期間:2011年3月17日 〜 4月14日

18 Mar 2011

ayanomimi Red Cross Denmark

(English: scroll down)
ayanomimi har startet en indsamling til ofrene for tsunami og jordskælvet der ramte Japan d.11 marts. Indsamlingen sker igennem Dansk Rød Kors, og støtten kanaliseres direkte til Rød Kors i Japan. Hver en krone tæller, og jeg vil blive rigtig glad for jeres støtte for mine landsmænd.  

Japanerne har vist en utrolig solidaritet og vilje for at komme igennem disse hårde tider. Hvad de har brug for nu er vores hjælp, så vi kan sikre så manges liv som overhovedet muligt.
De skal vide at de ikke står alene!

Jeg håber at I vil støtte denne indsamling og sprede budskabet til jeres venner og familier.
Klik videre HER→  ayanomimi for Dansk Rød Kors (Siden er på dansk)

På forhånd mange tak for jeres tid og hjælp.

ayanomimi has started to collect donations through Red Cross Denmark for the victims of the tsunami that hit Eastern Japan (March 11th 2011).  The donation will be channelized 100% to Red Cross Japan. 

People living in Japan has shown an amazing solidarity and humanity in these hard times. What they need now is our help to save as many lives as possible. They need to know that they are not alone!

Please support by donating and by spreading the word.

ayanomimi for Red Cross Denmark (This site is only in Danish)

Your help would be greatly appreciated,

8 Mar 2011

Returning to CBS / 卒業してから2年

I am currently preparing a presentation for Copenhagen Business School (CBS) about 'how companies can use culture as a strategic resource to create consumption'.

As an alumni it is always an honor to get the opportunity to return to the university as a guest speaker. At the same time I look back on the past two years and wonder what I have experienced and learned. I want to be one of those guest speakers, who once inspired and motivated me to study intercultural management:)



28 Feb 2011






While everything seems to change from one day to another, a reunion with old friends made me feel that some things just remain the same.

I was listening to a friend of mine who I have not seen for a long time. She was telling another friend about how I have inherited the good things from two cultures...

It gave me a nice feeling of someone who understands and supports me, although we do not spend much time together anymore.  

Even if years pass and our lives bring us to different parts of the world it is great to know, that you are out there somewhere:)


9 Feb 2011

Mister, Mr., ミスター

The fashion store "Storm" in Copenhagen is a place where you can expect to find the unexpected. New items are been introduced every week. This may be the reason for why the store appears new to many visitors even after ten years on the same address.

Last week Storm presented the latest SS11 collection of "Mr. Bathing Ape"! "Mr. Bathing Ape" is a classic men's clothing line with a funky twist, created by the Japanese brand "A Bathing Ape" in collaboration with "United Arrows".
So far "Mr. Bape" has only been sold exclusively in limited stores in Japan. Storm is the first store in Europe to introduce the brand! If you wonder how this became possible, you should take a look on the following link, which shows "Mr. Storm" in Japan and his philosophy behind his business.

Storm in Japan
コペンハーゲンのファッション・セレクトショップ「Storm」(ス トーム)で先週から「Mr. Bathing Ape」が期間限定で販売されるようになりました。日本ではUnited Arrowsを中心により選られたお店でのみ販売された「Mr. Bathing Ape」コレクション。なんとヨーロッパでの販売は「Storm」だけだそうです。


ひと味違うセレクトショップ「Storm」の背景には日本との繋がりを大事にする「Mr. Storm」さんがいます。彼の日本への旅をリポートしたビデオが配信されました。デンマーク語ではありますが、日本の人々と繋がりが分かるとても楽しいビデオです。

Storm in Japan

3 Jan 2011

Wishes for 2011 / 新年のご挨拶

The morning sun made me smile on the first day of 2011:)

ayanomimi wishes everyone a peaceful and happy year 2011!!!
The theme for this year is "Bikkuri" (to surprise in Japanese)! - Get prepared to be surprised! ;)
