ayanomimi was invited as guest presenter at the annual "Asia Day event" at Copenhagen Business School.
The main topics were 'intercultural management' and 'entrepreneurship', which ayanomimi gave examples on through the presentation; "To link Denmark and Japan through creative businesses".
I hope the presentation showed a glimpse of the possibilities there exist for those who want to use cultural knowledge as a resource to help other companies and/or to start up their own.
コペンハーゲン商科大学で毎年行われる「Asia Day」にゲストとして招待されました。
「大学で学んだ知識を生かして行動に移してゆくと沢山の扉が開けてくるから…」 「自分にしか出来ない事がしたくて企業を始めた…」 …