22 Dec 2012
10 Dec 2012
Creative Business Cup 2012 Final / 王子様に会った日
Last year SÆSON won the second prize in Creative Business Cup.
This year Ayanomimi had the special honour to guide His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark to his seat at the Creative Business Cup final.
The Crown Prince is a great supporter of entrepreneurship and I was truly impressed that he knew about Ayanomimi's initiatives.
Crown Prince Frederik visited Japan only few months after the triple catastrophe in 2011 (News link) to show his and the rest of Denmarks support to Japan. Among many activities he has established a charity fund for children in Sanriku and his work is highly respected in Japan.
Ayanomimiは去年のファイナリストを代表し、 授賞式ではデンマークのフレデリック皇太子を席までエスコートする係に指名されました。フレデリック皇太子は起業家のサポートにとても熱心に取り組まれています。会場では隣の席に座らせて頂きAyanomimiの事業についてお話が出来てとても光栄に思いました。
3・11後の復興支援のためにいち早く日本に訪れたフレデリック皇太子について詳しくはこちら→News link。クリエイティブ・ビジネス、企業家活動、日本…。多方面に興味をもたれ、足を運ばれるフレデリック皇太子はとても優しい方でした。
This year Ayanomimi had the special honour to guide His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark to his seat at the Creative Business Cup final.
The Crown Prince is a great supporter of entrepreneurship and I was truly impressed that he knew about Ayanomimi's initiatives.
Crown Prince Frederik visited Japan only few months after the triple catastrophe in 2011 (News link) to show his and the rest of Denmarks support to Japan. Among many activities he has established a charity fund for children in Sanriku and his work is highly respected in Japan.
Ayanomimiは去年のファイナリストを代表し、 授賞式ではデンマークのフレデリック皇太子を席までエスコートする係に指名されました。フレデリック皇太子は起業家のサポートにとても熱心に取り組まれています。会場では隣の席に座らせて頂きAyanomimiの事業についてお話が出来てとても光栄に思いました。
3・11後の復興支援のためにいち早く日本に訪れたフレデリック皇太子について詳しくはこちら→News link。クリエイティブ・ビジネス、企業家活動、日本…。多方面に興味をもたれ、足を運ばれるフレデリック皇太子はとても優しい方でした。
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Welcoming the Crown Prince皇太子様にご挨拶。 Photo: Sisse Stroyer. |
Creative business cup final event. コンペのファイナル。イベント会場。 |
Who Made Who live performance! デンマークのバンドWho Made Who!お勧めです。 |
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Welcoming the Crown Prince. 皇太子様(中央左)をお出向かい。 Photo: Sisse Stroyer. |
Creative Business Cup 2012,
3 Nov 2012
Guest presenter at Rikkyo University / 立教大学で講義をした日
Special thanks to: the Rikkyo students, professor Adam Johns, the TA, and Mr.William Macmillan, Ms. Akiko Masuda, Ms. Mitsue Watanabe - thank you for coming.
3 Aug 2012
Sayaka Ganz x Martin Margiela x Tokyo!
ayanomimiのdesignersページにも登場しているアメリカ在住アーティストSayaka Ganzの作品が新宿伊勢丹 MEN's館のショーウインドウのディスプレイに採用!
コラボしているブランドはMartin Margiela!! ファッションとアートの素敵なディスプレイをこの機会に是非ごらんください。
Art pieces by Sayaka Ganz can been seen in the windows of Isetan Men's Department Store Shinjyuku / Tokyo this month!
Amazing window displays that mix modern art by Sayaka Ganz and fashion by Martin Margiela.
Display design: Stratcast
More pictures: Sayaka Ganz Sculptures on Facebook
コラボしているブランドはMartin Margiela!! ファッションとアートの素敵なディスプレイをこの機会に是非ごらんください。
Art pieces by Sayaka Ganz can been seen in the windows of Isetan Men's Department Store Shinjyuku / Tokyo this month!
Amazing window displays that mix modern art by Sayaka Ganz and fashion by Martin Margiela.
Display design: Stratcast
More pictures: Sayaka Ganz Sculptures on Facebook
Martin Margiela,
Sayaka Ganz,
1 Aug 2012
2 Jul 2012
I ♡ Japan
Japan is one of the best prepared countries in the world when it comes to earthquakes. Not only did advanced technology limit the damages caused by the quake on 3.11, the mental preparation and the deep-rooted respect for the nature has been a strength in the extremely fast process of recovery after the catastrophe. As a part of the Japanese culture people accept the balance in life, and the joy and fear that come along with mother nature. Life goes on, for the human beings, as long as we take care of the nature.
In contrast to this traditional philosophy, Japanese politicians, bureaucrats, and the mass media continue to base their decisions on own interests. Japan has 54 nuclear reactors along its coasts. The Fukushima power plant is still not under control and the country is constantly hit by earthquakes. The nuclear waste problem is not being solved, and the government has restarted the reactors at Oi power plant and wants to build more nuclear power plants. Although, the private sector has presented solutions that increase efficiency in energy use and supply, the government insists that the country cannot continue without the nuclear energy supply.
It is true that Japan will suffer an economical recession from a shortage in power supply. However, what is the point of maintaining an economical standard if the air, water, soil, and all living creatures are polluted? Or if you have to live in fear for an earthquake to trigger one of the 54 ticking bombs? This rather simple question has no simple answer because of conflicting interests. This affects, not only Japan, but the rest of the world. We know that we will be able to find solutions to the economical loss that a shift in energy supply will cause, but the costs of not choosing the right path will be of an unknown scale.
It might sound very naive, but until the Fukushima catastrophe on 3.11. most Japanese people, including myself, were not informed nor interested in the nuclear power plants situation, but were manipulated to believe that it was safe and clean.
A huge feeling of regret for not taking action until it was too late, and a strong will to take responsibility is slowly growing amongst the Japanese. Political interests and greed has left Japan with unnecessary many nuclear reactors and nuclear waste that will destroy the natural life cycle, natural resources and future life. It is a scary thought and a reality that affects us all...
Every Friday, people protest in front of the prime minister Noda's house, which the government and media have done much to ignore. Last Friday 100.000 people gathered in front of the prime minister's house, where Prime minister Noda commented that he could hear the "loud sound" from the demonstration. The fact that Japanese politicians only hear "sound" when they listen to the "voices" of their own people, explains the lack of political responsibility and seriousness towards the future of Japan.
I believe that there are many ways to contribute to create new solutions, discourses, and political initiatives that will lead to a better energy use and energy supply in the future. It gives me hope to see and listen to the thousands of people who stand up to create a focus on this problem and believe that this situation is a chance to change.
I ♡ Japan
I hope you ♡ Japan too, Mr. Noda.
A brief update on the current situation in Japan.
The 3.11 triple catastrophe has truly been a wake up call for the Japanese people.Japan is one of the best prepared countries in the world when it comes to earthquakes. Not only did advanced technology limit the damages caused by the quake on 3.11, the mental preparation and the deep-rooted respect for the nature has been a strength in the extremely fast process of recovery after the catastrophe. As a part of the Japanese culture people accept the balance in life, and the joy and fear that come along with mother nature. Life goes on, for the human beings, as long as we take care of the nature.
In contrast to this traditional philosophy, Japanese politicians, bureaucrats, and the mass media continue to base their decisions on own interests. Japan has 54 nuclear reactors along its coasts. The Fukushima power plant is still not under control and the country is constantly hit by earthquakes. The nuclear waste problem is not being solved, and the government has restarted the reactors at Oi power plant and wants to build more nuclear power plants. Although, the private sector has presented solutions that increase efficiency in energy use and supply, the government insists that the country cannot continue without the nuclear energy supply.
It is true that Japan will suffer an economical recession from a shortage in power supply. However, what is the point of maintaining an economical standard if the air, water, soil, and all living creatures are polluted? Or if you have to live in fear for an earthquake to trigger one of the 54 ticking bombs? This rather simple question has no simple answer because of conflicting interests. This affects, not only Japan, but the rest of the world. We know that we will be able to find solutions to the economical loss that a shift in energy supply will cause, but the costs of not choosing the right path will be of an unknown scale.
It might sound very naive, but until the Fukushima catastrophe on 3.11. most Japanese people, including myself, were not informed nor interested in the nuclear power plants situation, but were manipulated to believe that it was safe and clean.
A huge feeling of regret for not taking action until it was too late, and a strong will to take responsibility is slowly growing amongst the Japanese. Political interests and greed has left Japan with unnecessary many nuclear reactors and nuclear waste that will destroy the natural life cycle, natural resources and future life. It is a scary thought and a reality that affects us all...
Every Friday, people protest in front of the prime minister Noda's house, which the government and media have done much to ignore. Last Friday 100.000 people gathered in front of the prime minister's house, where Prime minister Noda commented that he could hear the "loud sound" from the demonstration. The fact that Japanese politicians only hear "sound" when they listen to the "voices" of their own people, explains the lack of political responsibility and seriousness towards the future of Japan.
I believe that there are many ways to contribute to create new solutions, discourses, and political initiatives that will lead to a better energy use and energy supply in the future. It gives me hope to see and listen to the thousands of people who stand up to create a focus on this problem and believe that this situation is a chance to change.
I ♡ Japan
I hope you ♡ Japan too, Mr. Noda.
Fukushima 3.11,
I ♡ Japan,
Pray for japan,
Tokiko Kato
30 Mar 2012
Mutewatch - in JAPAN
Restir ニュースレター(2012年3月)
Mutewatch will be available at Restir Tokyo Midtown from April the 1st! Read more about the super cool Mutewatch, Mai-Li, and all about the world wide Mutewatch users in English HERE
Meet the Mutewatch from Mutewatch on Vimeo.

Restir ニュースレター(2012年3月)
Mutewatch will be available at Restir Tokyo Midtown from April the 1st! Read more about the super cool Mutewatch, Mai-Li, and all about the world wide Mutewatch users in English HERE
Meet the Mutewatch from Mutewatch on Vimeo.
Swedish design
26 Mar 2012
Copenhagen spring
From March 25 we switched to 'summer time' in Denmark.
The bright and calm weather is a great contrast to the dark winter.
March 26, Copenhagen
Sunrise: 6:56
Sunset: 19:33
Increased day length:
5h 39min.
The bright and calm weather is a great contrast to the dark winter.
Sunrise: 6:56
Sunset: 19:33
Increased day length:
5h 39min.
11 Mar 2012
Never forget, never give up - Japan / ガンバレ日本
Never forget March 11 2011
Never give up! Japan!
My thoughts goes to all the people who have been affected by the triple-disaster. A deep respect goes to those who work in order to rebuild Tohoku, rescue workers who still search for the missing people so that their remaining souls can be returned to their families, and a deep respect to all the Japanese people who make an effort in order to move on - together.
Pharrell and Verbal ♡ Japan. One year after 311 /ファレル、そして世界が憧れる日本
VICE Tokyo / Pharrell
On March 30 2012: wishes, thoughts, and prayers were sent with fireworks in to heaven. Arranged by the volunteers of Schop-Dan. / 「天国にぶっ放せ」願いと祈りを込めて2012年3月10日にスコップ団により花火2万発打ち上げられた。
Shooting up to Heaven - Fireworks for the 20.000 lost souls
Never forget the risks that come with nuclear power plants. It's time to rethink the power grid and usage. / 1000万人さよなら原発。
Sayonara nukes 10 million in action
BBC reports about the possibilities of sustainable energy. / BBCがリポートする日本の最新エネルギー技術
Tsunami steers Japan tech innovation - sustainable smart town
After one year of hard work... / BBCの写真リポート。日本人の生る強さと復興への道が世界のニュースで報道されています。世界も忘れない311。これからもずっと祈り続けます。
BBC Images then and now
Never give up! Japan!
My thoughts goes to all the people who have been affected by the triple-disaster. A deep respect goes to those who work in order to rebuild Tohoku, rescue workers who still search for the missing people so that their remaining souls can be returned to their families, and a deep respect to all the Japanese people who make an effort in order to move on - together.
One year after LINKS:
Pharrell and Verbal ♡ Japan. One year after 311 /ファレル、そして世界が憧れる日本
VICE Tokyo / Pharrell
On March 30 2012: wishes, thoughts, and prayers were sent with fireworks in to heaven. Arranged by the volunteers of Schop-Dan. / 「天国にぶっ放せ」願いと祈りを込めて2012年3月10日にスコップ団により花火2万発打ち上げられた。
Shooting up to Heaven - Fireworks for the 20.000 lost souls
Never forget the risks that come with nuclear power plants. It's time to rethink the power grid and usage. / 1000万人さよなら原発。
Sayonara nukes 10 million in action
BBC reports about the possibilities of sustainable energy. / BBCがリポートする日本の最新エネルギー技術
Tsunami steers Japan tech innovation - sustainable smart town
After one year of hard work... / BBCの写真リポート。日本人の生る強さと復興への道が世界のニュースで報道されています。世界も忘れない311。これからもずっと祈り続けます。
BBC Images then and now
Pray for japan
4 Mar 2012
Denmark/Japan Business & Entrepreneurship

ayanomimi was invited as guest presenter at the annual "Asia Day event" at Copenhagen Business School.
The main topics were 'intercultural management' and 'entrepreneurship', which ayanomimi gave examples on through the presentation; "To link Denmark and Japan through creative businesses".
I hope the presentation showed a glimpse of the possibilities there exist for those who want to use cultural knowledge as a resource to help other companies and/or to start up their own.
コペンハーゲン商科大学で毎年行われる「Asia Day」にゲストとして招待されました。
「大学で学んだ知識を生かして行動に移してゆくと沢山の扉が開けてくるから…」 「自分にしか出来ない事がしたくて企業を始めた…」 …
4 Feb 2012
A glimpse of CPH fashion week AW12
"Edith & Ella / EPOQUE AW12 Collection" fashion show at the Copenhagen city hall.
Colourful and feminine♡Read more - apropos100.
Colourful and feminine♡Read more - apropos100.
Copenhagen Trend,
Edith Ella,
1 Feb 2012
ZEROAD no.1 @ O&M Design Showroom
I am surprised by how many wonderful reactions I have received already from people in Denmark and from abroad. Thank you for the support!
Feel free to contact ayanomimi for more information / an appointment to visit the showroom.
ZEROAD no.1は「O&M Design」のショールームにてご覧頂けます。お近くにお立ち寄りの際は是非事前にご連絡ください。これからもどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
20 Jan 2012
ayanomimi x ZERO-ONE Design Original Product RELEASE
Original product "ZEROAD no.1" [: Ze-Road number one]
- Danish concept & Japanese design -
Product release: 25.01.2012 in Copenhagen!
Pictures and details: ayanomimi.com
ayanomimiのオリジナル商品第二弾「ZEROAD no.1」(ゼロード・ナンバーワン)
Product Release,
ZERO-ONE Design,
11 Jan 2012
去年はびっくり / Thoughts for 2012
Thoughts for 2012
進む力[:susumu chikara]: "The strength to move forward".
2012; ayanomimi will lead the way to new business opportunities.
Let's make 2012 a good year.
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